Root Drenches
It’s important to understand that while our goal is High-Brix produce--with drenches we are feeding the soil, not the plant. When we nurture a mineralized soil with juuuust the right do-si-do of root drenches, something special happens.
Our drenches are mixed with water and distributed into the soil--whether by traditional top-down watering, irrigating, or ‘dunking’ (our preference when container growing.)
In High-Brix growing, drenches do far more than feed the soil, they signal to the plant when to grow or re-produce, and they keep the biology in the soil happy and productive. This is where the “Magic" happens!
Transplant Drench
Should be used when transplanting, during the veg phase and throughout the bloom phase. Alternate with Growth Ionic Drench. Like all other drenches, it is used at 0.5 to 1 mil per gallon of soil.
Notably, some growers have found that essential oil and resin production can be increased by using 1/4 oz. of Transplant per 5 gallons of water. Please note, this does not mean 1/4 oz. FOR EVERY PLANT, but 1/4 oz. into 5 gallons of water.
Please take note that some strains often require higher doses than 1 mil per gallon of soil. If the plants seem underfed, don't be afraid to increase or even double Growth Ionic or Transplant drenches, especially if dunking the plants in veg. CYCLE.
All drenches are "served" with 2-3 mil Tea, with two exceptions: The Super Drench and the Rescue Drench**
Growth Ionic Drench
This is where strong stems and healthy leaves come from. It is also used during the latter half of the bloom cycle to further support fruit and flowers. Mix with enough water to hydrate the soil, at 0.5 to 1.0 mil per gallon of soil in the container.
Alternate Growth Ionic Drench with Transplant throughout the grow cycle, during veg and bloom.
**Pro-Tip: Finishing the growing cycle on Growth Ionic Drench often results in sweeter tasting and smelling produce.**
Rescue Drench
If the plants seem weak and need a boost---almost never happens unless you made a mistake or there has been some environmental issue or circumstances beyond your control---try this:
1 oz. Transplant per gallon of water with 6 mils of Tea. Feed a solution with this composition to all the plants. It will get the roots and things back on track.
Do not do this if you aren't having any problems!
Super Drench
1 cup (yes 8 oz.) of Transplant plus 10 mils Tea per 5 gallons of water. Give each plant 1 gallon of this.
Utilizing Your root drenches
Alternate drenches throughout the grow cycle.
When first learning how to use the products, the recommended feed schedule is:
Growth Ionic Drench
Transplant Drench
Growth Ionic Drench
Once familiar with how things work, variations on that theme are often just the thing to take your strain/results to the next level.
All drenches are mixed at 0.5 to 1.0 mil per gallon of soil in the container (1.5 TSP per 7 gallon container). For raised beds and hose-end sprayers, use 1 to 3 oz. per 30 square feet of space. Stronger applications can be applied without harm for “heavy feeders.”
When dunking the plants in the vegetative phase (or if you're fortunate enough to be able to dunk them in bloom) mix everything at double strength or even higher.
Water with filtered water plus 1/4 strength Transplant between drenches except for the Cat Drench, which gets 2 (or more, for longer-flowering varieties) consecutive drenches.
Get the appropriate containers ready for the given root drench; We like using 5-gallon buckets. Remember, Tea goes in with each and every drench.
We like mixing in 5 gallon buckets, but if you need more or less water for your plants, please consult the User Guide for the appropriate amount of Drench. Once measured, the Drench is added (with the appropriate amount of Tea!) and mixed with water as a solution in the bucket. From here, the solution is gently applied to the soil until the soil is adequately hydrated.
If you started your plant from seed--nicely done! This is how we prefer to grow when possible. That said, we stick with water--and water alone--until our little seedlings or clones have 3-5 internodes or more of growth. If things seem stalled or unhealthy, it's almost always because the roots and the soil aren't quit "hooked up," and in this case a very weak dose of Transplant Drench (with Tea) will put things right.
The first real drench the plants get should be full strength.