foliar sprays
Spraying the plant and focusing on the undersides of the leaves (where stomata are most present!) promotes unparalleled plant growth, vigor, and stress tolerance.
Sprayed every week to 10 days, this product encourages reproductive growth and essential oil and resin production. Brix foliar spray should not be skipped, even if the plants look perfect. Use 1 oz Brix mixed into a quart of water. Do not store the prepared Brix foliar. Use it up the same day it is mixed.
This product helps plants heal, deal with stress, and provide a broad spectrum of trace minerals. This can be sprayed 1-2 times per week when there are signs of plant stress.
If the plants look "perfect" there is no reason to spray with De-Stress.
DeStress is mixed at 1/4 to 1/2 oz per quart of water and can be saved in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.
Mixed at 50% strength, it helps clones root much faster.
This product does not come in The Kit, but can be used throughout the growing cycle. It is also one of our products that ANY gardener can benefit from.
Most growers find it particularly useful for those heavy-feeding strains that need a little 'extra something' the first few weeks of the flowering/budding.
In the High-Brix system, Snake Oil is used by adding 1/4 oz. into 1 oz. Brix Foliar Spray and 1 quart of water.
If used by itself, mix 1/4 oz. plus 1 oz. dextrose per quart of water. (We can provide the Dextrose if needed— contact us.)
Utilizing Your Foliar Sprays
Fill your spray bottle with water; for most folks, 1/2 quart is plenty to completely cover the plants undersides of the leaves) in a fine mist.
Then, measure the appropriate amount of Brix, De-Stress, or Leaf Wash into the bottle depending on where you are in your grow schedule. Shake and apply to your plants immediately.
For a video on how we do it, see below.
Only De-Stress may be stored for up to 1 week in the fridge. While any spraying/misting device can be made to work, generally speaking the finer the mist the better.
Did you know?
A good foliar spray will include phosphate in its nutrient package. Phosphates are the energy source in ATP. ATP drives the Krebs cycle in plants.
Increasing phosphates in the plant through foliar spraying allows the Krebs cycle to transfer more energy within the plants.
This allows the plant to be more efficient in storing energy as sugars from the process of photosynthesis.
Some of these additional sugars are sent down to the roots which excrete exudates. These root exudates act as a food source for the bacterial colonies around the roots. These bacteria respond to the extra food by making more minerals available to the plant--which is happy to absorb the additional nutrients and minerals, increasing the total dissolved solids in the plant.
This registers as a rise in brix.